I ran the logistic regression. The command fitstat produced some statistics on the model fit. I just wonder how I can interpret the variance of y-star and e. See below. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
. fitstat
| logit
Log-likelihood |
Model | -118.135
Intercept-only | -130.409
Chi-square |
Deviance (df=185) | 236.271
LR (df=3) | 24.547
p-value | 0.000
R2 |
McFadden | 0.094
McFadden (adjusted) | 0.063
McKelvey & Zavoina | 0.161
Cox-Snell/ML | 0.122
Cragg-Uhler/Nagelkerke | 0.163
Efron | 0.125
Tjur's D | 0.124
Count | 0.667
Count (adjusted) | 0.276
IC |
AIC | 244.271
AIC divided by N | 1.292
BIC (df=4) | 257.238
Variance of |
e | 3.290
y-star | 3.921
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