Hi all,
Good morning!
I have done wilcoxin ranksum test with porder in STATA
the variable we are testing is : average plot size in male owned plots (male_owned=1) vs female owned plots (male_owned=0)
in descriptive stat, mean values obtained are:
male owned plots: 0.5 ha
female owned plots: 0.6 ha
But ranksum test results show:
Two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test
male_owned | obs rank sum expected
0 | 975 5914037 6244387.5
1 | 11833 76114799 75784449
combined | 12808 82028836 82028836
unadjusted variance 1.231e+10
adjustment for ties -24263240
adjusted variance 1.229e+10
Ho: plotsize(male_owned==0) = plotsize(male_owned==1)
z = -2.980
Prob > |z| = 0.0029
P{plotsize(male_owned==0) > plotsize(male_owned==1)} = 0.471
I am confused about the interpretation of the results
As per my understanding the result is significant and in 47 out of 100 times the female owned plots plotsize is greater.
that means in 53 times male owned plots plotsize is greater.
But the averages show that female owned plots average plotsize is 0.6 whereas it is 0.5 for male owned plots
so what is the conclusion from this in terms of direction?
can we say that plotsize in male owned plots > female owned plots
or female owned plots plotsize > male owned plots plotsize
kindly help
thanks and regards
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