
I'm using Stata 16 for my analysis. I've run the pstest command to obtain results for the balancing property. I'll be glad if you aid me in interpreting the results. Specifically;
1. How balanced is the match between the treated and control groups.
2. The significance of the t-test.

Below is ts the command used and results generated from Stata.

asdoc pstest TOTHLTH Age Location Gender hhsize MStatus HStatus Education Employment Income Expenditure, both
(File Myfile.doc already exists, option append was assumed)

Unmatched Mean %reduct t-test V(T)/
Variable Matched Treated Control %bias bias t p>t V(C)

TOTHLTH U 94.086 86.036 2.2 0.90 0.369 1.34*
M 84.588 87.82 -0.9 59.8 -0.35 0.729 0.93

Age U 45.38 42.114 22.5 9.06 0.000 1.24*
M 42.501 42.595 -0.6 97.1 -0.24 0.811 1.05

Location U 1.4426 1.4962 -10.8 -4.40 0.000 0.99
M 1.4915 1.4895 0.4 96.3 0.14 0.888 1.00

Gender U .64408 .69286 -10.4 -4.22 0.000 .
M .68767 .68212 1.2 88.6 0.42 0.671 .

hhsize U 3.7963 3.8497 -2.1 -0.86 0.389 0.95
M 3.9287 3.8732 2.2 -4.0 0.77 0.441 0.99

MStatus U 2.5081 2.653 -7.3 -2.99 0.003 0.96
M 2.5577 2.6048 -2.4 67.4 -0.84 0.399 1.02

HStatus U .804 .82536 -5.5 -2.23 0.026 .
M .82759 .82204 1.4 74.0 0.52 0.604 .

Education U 2.6716 1.9263 27.9 11.08 0.000 1.55*
M 1.9913 1.9778 0.5 98.2 0.20 0.844 1.05

Employment U 1.3003 1.2168 13.7 5.48 0.000 1.36*
M 1.2045 1.2224 -2.9 78.6 -1.15 0.251 0.90*

Income U -9779.7 -1287.7 -1.4 -0.51 0.613 11.49*
M -1285.4 -2061.8 0.1 90.9 0.07 0.941 3.36*

Expenditure U 4543.1 4093.4 11.1 4.43 0.000 1.44*
M 4079.4 4110.3 -0.8 93.1 -0.30 0.766 0.98

* if variance ratio outside [0.94; 1.06] for U and [0.92; 1.08] for M

Sample Ps R2 LR chi2 p>chi2 MeanBias MedBias B R %Var

Unmatched 0.031 296.67 0.000 10.4 10.4 42.8* 1.33 67
Matched 0.000 2.39 0.997 1.2 0.9 4.3 0.94 22

* if B>25%, R outside [0.5; 2]

Thank you.