Hi there,

I've been struggling with getting my marginsplot the way I would like it. I will use the example data fullauto show my problem.

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I have a DV rep77 with 5 categories, ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). I have 2 EV, namely mpg (continuous) and the dummy variable foreign.

I have the following ordered logit model

ologit rep77 mpg i.foreign
When I follow up with the commands below, I get 10 curves, because of the 5 categories of the DV and 2 categories of the EV foreign

margins, at(mpg=(10(5)45) foreign=(0(1)1))
I would like it if only the curves of the probabilities of outcome 1 and outcome 2 would show (for both foreign and domestic, so 4 curves in total). How do I do this?

In addition, I would like to have this graph with 2 curves: the predicted probabilities of outcome < 3 (so either 1 or 2), for both foreign and domestic.
Is this possible to obtain with a marginsplot?
I learned that after estimating the model, you could do the following to obtain the predicted probability for y < 3.

predict p1-p5
generate p12 = p1 + p2
Then with -scatter-, you can get the graph. Is there another way?

I hope everything is clear. Thank you in advance

Complete do file down below

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ologit rep77 mpg i.foreign
margins, at(mpg=(10(5)45) foreign=(0(1)1))

* The 2 graphs I would like to obtain with marginsplot

ologit rep77 mpg i.foreign
predict p1-p5

scatter p1 p2 mpg

generate p12 = p1 + p2

scatter p12 mpg