The main output of the kinkyreg package is graphical. The main graphs display the coefficient estimates over a grid of postulated endogeneity correlations including their confidence bands, possibly in comparison to the conventional 2SLS estimates if the user specifies instrumental variables. Often, and especially in the presence of weak (or invalid) instruments, KLS confidence intervals can be more informative than 2SLS intervals.
A main benefit of the KLS approach is that it enables testing of the exclusion restrictions for excluded (instrumental) variables, which is not possible with the 2SLS approach. (Note that 2SLS-based overidentifying restrictions tests still maintain the untested assumption that a subset of instruments is validly excluded.) This is implemented as a kinkyreg postestimation feature (estat exclusion).
Further postestimation features include tests for linear hypotheses (estat test), Ramsey's RESET test (estat reset), heteroskedasticity tests (estat hettest) and Durbin's alternative test for serial correlation (estat durbinalt).
The package is available for installation from my personal website. Type the following in Stata's command window:
net install kinkyreg, from(
. use . kinkyreg lw s expr tenure rns smsa _I* (iq = age mrt), range(-0.7 0.7) inference(iq s)
. estat exclusion
The help files explain the details of the command syntax and the available options:
help kinkyreg help kinkyreg postestimation
- Kiviet, J. F. (2020a). Testing the impossible: Identifying exclusion restrictions. Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
- Kiviet, J. F. (2020b). Instrument-free inference under confined regressor endogeneity; derivations and applications. Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers WP09/2020, Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University.
- Kripfganz, S., and J. F. Kiviet (2020). kinkyreg: Instrument-free inference for linear regression models with endogenous regressors. Manuscript.
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