
I run a double hurdle model (more specifically, the 'churdle' command) and use a probit model as my first step and a truncated regression as my next step on complex survey data.
I then follow by calculating the margins:
gen ln_s2bq19i = ln(s2bq19i)
replace ln_s2bq19i=0 if ln_s2bq19i==.  

global ylist ln_s2bq19i  
global xlist male ln_hhsize father_pri father_sec father_tri father
global slist male ln_hhsize ln_percapitaexp father_pri father_sec father_tri father_deg  

svy, subpop(if (inrange(age,5,9))) : churdle linear $ylist $xlist, select($slist) ll(0)
margins, dydx(_all) post
In my case, the dependent variable is log-transformed. If the average marginal effect on one variable is 0.149 (0.0420 s.e), how should that be interpreted? How would the interpretation vary for dummy variables and continuous variables?
Any guidance would be appreciated.