I run a double hurdle model (more specifically, the 'churdle' command) and use a probit model as my first step and a truncated regression as my next step on complex survey data.
I then follow by calculating the margins:
gen ln_s2bq19i = ln(s2bq19i) replace ln_s2bq19i=0 if ln_s2bq19i==. global ylist ln_s2bq19i global xlist male ln_hhsize father_pri father_sec father_tri father global slist male ln_hhsize ln_percapitaexp father_pri father_sec father_tri father_deg svy, subpop(if (inrange(age,5,9))) : churdle linear $ylist $xlist, select($slist) ll(0) margins, dydx(_all) post
Any guidance would be appreciated.
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