The relevant column in my dataset are "gvkey" (a group id), datadate (ex. YYYYMMDD = 20100531), and revt.

The observation frequency is annual.
I want to to construct a rolling max of "revt" for the PREVIOUS 4 years for some "gvkey".
I don't want to hard code a window size of 5 because this would not handle missing values appropriately.

I'm very new the STATA so I'm not sure how this should be handled but I think SQL is the way to go.

For sake of clarity, I need something that is the functional equivalent in STATA to this code from SAS

proc sql;
create table want as select
max(b.revt) as maxRevt
have as a inner join
have as b on a.gvkey=b.gvkey and
b.datadate between intnx("YEAR", a.datadate, -4) and a.datadate - 1
group by a.gvkey, a.datadate;