Dear Statalists,

I am trying to import some excel files from the same directory and merge them into a single .dta file. However, the files in my local filelist are always unable to be found. This even applies to those codes that used to be working on my computer before.
My code is as following
local allfiles : dir "C:\Users\Win\Desktop\数据库\1997" files "*.xlsx"  
tempfile building
save `building', emptyok
foreach f of local allfiles {
    import excel using "`f'", firstrow clear
    gen filename = "`f'"
    append using `building'
    save `building', replace
The outcome is always
file altg0bc-01311997.xlsx not found

Is this a problem of my codes or the problems of other applications?
Thank you so much for your help.

P.S.: I copied this code from another statalist forum post. I'm sorry that I cannot find the original post now. Many thanks to the contributors.