
I wrote some stata .do files that use window stopbox rusure and handle the responses. In Windows, it displays as expected and described in the help documentation for window stopbox, with a "Yes" and a "No" button.

In OSX, though, the buttons appear as "OK" and "Cancel", which isn't in the documentation.

The return codes work fine for both - OK and Yes are both returning 0, and Cancel and No are both returning 1, but I wrote text that gives instructions based on "Yes" or "No".

Abbreviated example below, where, OK/Cancel is a bit weird given it's a Yes/No question:

capture {
    window stopbox rusure "There are missing output files from a previous run of this script (excel and/or logfile). Do you want to continue?"
if _rc == 0 {
    * various commands here
else {
    window stopbox note "Exiting now."
Before I go through the effort to update the text, I wanted to see 1) if others had encountered this and if the OK/Cancel options are what others are receiving, and 2) if this can be modified in any way on the scripting end through something that's undocumented.
