Dear Stata users,

I am new to using STATA and I have searche dthe forum but could not find an answer yet - this is why I try to make a post here.

I am working with panel data and I need to create a new variable.

Please see this example:
institute personid year position timeamount NEWVARIABLE
1 8741 2019 A 10 8
1 33885 2019 B 8 8
1 8741 2020 A 11 9
1 33885 2020 B 9 9
2 14221 2019 A 7 3
2 33126 2019 B 3 3
2 14221 2020 A 8 4
2 33126 2020 B 4 4
What I would need is for insitute 1,2 etc. a new variable, that gives me the lowest time amount of person A & B in year 2019 (and then 2020 or other years).
After I have created the new variable I will collapse the dataset so I only have one row per institute and year with the new variable value.

I am not sure how I can generate this new variable.

Can anyone help me out here? Would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance!!

I am using STATA verison 14.2

Kind regards,