
I want to add a parameter to a scheme to make the ylabels of a graph display in a given format. I think most of the time %9.0fc is fine for me, so if I can only have one then i'll go with that; but if it's additionally possible to add in dynamic elements (i.e. "if yvar <5 ylabel format is %9.1f") then i can set up a few different options that would remove 90% of the instances where I have to hardcode graph options.

Does anyone know how to do this? I've looked through a few schemes that automatically display ylabels with commas for every third digit, but can't seem to see which line(s) of code is producing that result.

Also, is it just me or are schemes really under-documented? When I look at a scheme you can see parameters for gsize, alignstroke, axisstyle, yesno draw_major_grid, etc., and can pretty much figure out what all the entries are doing based on knowledge of twoway options, but the help file for schemes doesn't go into nearly so much detail. It seems to be more of a resource to help you use other people's schemes, not to create your own. Am I looking in the wrong place?