Hi all,

Probably a silly question, but I created a graph using a combination of -twoway scatter- and -twoway rcap- but I can't figure out how to bring the point estimate forward in relation to the 95% confidence intervals. This is my code:

twoway (scatter rateadj id, ///
msymbol(smcircle) mcolor(gs10) msize(medium)///
ytitle("Age-standardised presentation rates (per 100,000)", height(5) size(vsmall))    ///
graphregion(color(white))    ///
ylabel(#8, labsize(vsmall) nogrid)     ///
xtitle("LGAs", height(5) size(vsmall)) ///
xlabel("")    ///
yline(731, lstyle(foreground) lcolor(gs12))) ///
rcap ub_gam lb_gam id, lwidth(vthin) lcolor(gs0)    ///
legend(off)    ///
xsc(r(1 130)))
This is how my graph looks like at the moment:
