i would like to ask about adding random slope into the mediation model using GSEM.
My model look like this:
anx_trait is the second level variable
NA_esm and paranoia_esm are first level variables
all variables are nested within participants (subjno)
the model is trying to explain the association between attachment anxiety and momentary paranoia via mediating effect of momentary negative affectivity.

If I understand it right, so far the model should calculate random intercept for all subjects - please correct me if I am doing something wrong. I would like to add random slope as well. How can I do that ? thanks for the answer.

stata code:
gsem (anx_trait -> NA_esm, ) (anx_trait -> paranoia_esm, ) (NA_esm -> paranoia_esm, ) (M1[subjno] -> NA_esm, ) (M2[subjno] -> paranoia_esm, ), covstruct
> (_lexogenous, diagonal) latent(M1 M2 ) nocapslatent