Hi all,

I've been running ANOVAs and bonferroni posthocs and sometimes my mean table has decimal places...and sometimes it does not! I don't understand how this is the case since my data is all coming from the same file and I am using the same code. This is what it looks like:

oneway sadness Chars, bonferroni tabulate

Chars | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
1 | 5 2 50
2 | 4 2 50
3 | 5 2 50
4 | 3 2 50

But then I run the same code on a different variable and:

oneway happiness Chars, bonferroni tabulate

Chars | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
1 | 6.7333333 1.3336158 50
2 | 5.75 1.5581932 50
3 | 6.1166667 1.6060444 50
4 | 5.11 1.5480989 50

The same issue happens with my Bonferroni output table.
What can I do to get all the decimals in each analysis? Thank you!