Hi everyone,

I want to study the effect of private universities systems with high tuition fees on income inequality in Europe.
Income inequality is measured by Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income for the period 2008-2015 for all European countries except Croatia which I dropped due to a lack of data.
I used a dummy variable to account for university system. free is 0 and private is 1.

I found these results

I have two questions :

1) Is it correct to interpret the result of the dummy "free uni" as follow : High tuition fees increase GinieqDI by 0.679 ?
2) I have trouble interpreting the constant result : If all my depedent variables are equal to 0 then Bo = 154.90
Which would mean that on average the Gini coefficients for the observed countries is 157,90 ?
But that doesn't make sense ! Gini is between 0 and 100

Thank you for your help