Hello All,

A frequent problem I have in Stata is that I have to run different regression models (for example an unadjusted model, one adjusted for just age and sex, and one adjusted for age, sex, and other parameters). I am looking for a rapid way to put the output of these models into one table for easy comparison and to be able to send it to others. Currently I do a lot of copy and pasting.

For example, take the following where I want to compare 3 models.

sysuse auto
quietly regress mpg weight
estimates store r_unadjusted
quietly regress mpg weight displ
estimates store r_adjust1
quietly regress mpg weight displ foreign
estimates store r_adjust2
I could do:
 estimates table _all, keep(weight) se p
Which would give a simple way to see how the variable weight compares in all 3 models and gives me the standard error and p-value.

And I suppose in many situtions this would be fine, but what I am looking for is a way (if one exists) to include the confidence intervals in such a table that would make it easily shareable with my collaborators so I could show them the outputs of the various models without me having to copy and past each output into a word file.

For example something that would like this:
Coefficient lower limit 95% CI upper limit 95% CI p-value
Model 1
Model 2
adjusted for age/sex
Model 3
adjusted for everything
and the kitchen sink
I have been tinkering around with this and trying to see if could save estimates and parameters from the various outputs in order to make such a table but ended up taking more time than simply copy and pasting.

If there is an easier solution to this problem, I would be greatly appreciative of any help.

Using Stata version 13 for Mac.


Christopher Labos