Hi all,

I use substitutable expression program to run non-linear least squares (nl). I try to use both weights and cluster-robust standard error, however, I get error: "weights not allowed with vce()". Is there anyway I can get around this in Stata?

I attach the part of codes that matter.

capture program drop nlmain
program nlmain
version 15
syntax varlist [if], at(name)
tokenize `varlist'

// extract parameters
tempname b0 lambda theta b11 b12
scalar `b0' = `at'[1,1]
scalar lambda = `at'[1,2]
scalar theta = `at'[1,3]
scalar `b11' = `at'[1,4]
scalar `b12' = `at'[1,5]

replace `1' = `b11'* inc_tile_exp + `b12' * edu_exp + `b0' `if'

// add controls
foreach i of numlist 6/`=n_col +2'{
tempname par`i'
scalar `par`i'' = `at'[1,`i']

foreach i of numlist 6/`=n_col+2'{
local ii = `i' - 4
replace `1' = `1' + `par`i'' * ``ii''

nl main @ pstk `control' , parameters("`par'") initial(myvals) hasconstant(b0) vce(cluster cohort)

Thank you,

Dickson Zhu