I am trying to plot the regression coefficients following mlogit. I am able to produce the graph I need, however it seems to only plot the coefficients for only one of my outcome categories. I run the following command:
svy: mlogit change2 i.releducLG i.matempLG i.fatempLG i.coresidenceCH, rrr
estimate store m1
svy: mlogit change2 i.releducLG i.matempLG i.fatempLG i.coresidenceCH i.totalsibCH2 i.gcompLG relorderLG i.birthyr1LG i.educ2LG i.maritalCH childCH i.qwealthLG goveducCH2 govempCH2, rrr
estimate store m2
coefplot m1 || m2, eform xline(1) nolabel keep(*:)
which produces two graphs with regression coefficient for three categories of my outcome, but it is unreadable because of the number of variables. When I try to specify which coefficients using:
coefplot m1 || m2, swapnames eform xline(1) nolabel keep(*.matempLG *.coresidenceCH)
I get the following graph and the coefficients for only one category of my outcome. Can anyone advise where I am going wrong? My outcome variable is coded 0, 1, 2 ,3 with 0 being the baseline category. "unemployed_employed" is category '1'.
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