any help would be greatly appreciated. My data looks something like this and I would be really happy if I could reduce the gap between the bars. However
I need a rather "low" plot, so I would wish that after .3 (after the label) the new bar starts. Bars should be much closer towards each other.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Here is example code:
sysuse auto gen onetwotree = 1 if rep78 <= 2 replace onetwotree = 2 if rep78 == 3 | rep78 == 4 replace onetwotree = 3 if rep78 >= 5 tabplot onetwotree foreign , percent(foreign) showval(offset(.2) mlabp(3)) horizontal barwidth(.1) /// subtitle("% of foreign", size(small)) xtitle("") bfcolor(none)
Thank you very much!
Edit: I forgot to mention I use Stata 15.
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