I am sorry if this question has been asked before but I ran into a dead-end with a project for university. I have to produce a descriptive table that includes categorical variables and metric variables. The table needs to contain frequency of the categorical variables and measures of central tendency for metric variables. I was planning on using the tabout command. However this far it has not been working.
My code is the following:
//Beginn Table Creation tabout leftright dConfession1 dConfession2 dConfession3 dConfession4 dConfession5 politicalinterest churchattendance education dsex1 dsex2 deast1 deast2 age income /// Selcting Variables using summary.docx, replace style(docx) font(bold) oneway c(freq col cum) f(0c 1) /// clab(Count Col_% Cum_%) sum /// npos(col) nlab(Sample) /// title(Table 9: A oneway table) /// fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) open ///
Thank you for your help already.
Best regards
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