I am very glad that the version 4.0.0 of command tuples adds some new features.
But I also found the following two bugs when the option "nomata" is specified.
1. Option "nosort" cannot run accurately. The reason may be that line 157 should exchange position with line 158.
2. When option "nosort" is not specified (default), although option "display" is not specified, created tuples still show. The reason is that "coninue" on line 152 is misspelled (the correct one is "continue").

The two examples are :
local x "AS E1 3RT 67"
tuples `x', nomata nosort
forvalues i=1/`ntuples' {
    dis "`i' : " "`tuple`i''"

local x "AS E1 3RT 67"
tuples `x', nomata   //option "display" is not specified