
I am in doubt of whether or not to include outliers in my variable Aid Received pr. Capita. My thoughts are that I would like to keep the observations, as the data tells the actual amount of aid received pr. capita. If not to include them, how do you deal with that?

However, when graphing this the very extreme outliers (high amounts of aid) obscures the rest of the aid received so it looks like it is just $0.

I have also tried logging the variable but here some of the observations turns into negative values, as a lot of the countries received $0 pr. capita.

Thank you in advance!

. summarize AidPrCap, detail

      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%            0              0
 5%            0              0
10%            0              0       Obs                 600
25%            0              0       Sum of Wgt.         600

50%            1                      Mean           1240.273
                        Largest       Std. Dev.      15891.73
75%           25          28564
90%        302.5          29902       Variance       2.53e+08
95%       1482.5         213971       Skewness       17.78929
99%        10392         322165       Kurtosis        331.846