Hello everyone,
I am taking my first course in econometrics and therefore very much an amateur.
At the moment I am constructing a twoway scatterplot with lfits but I cannot seem to able to change the lable names under the plot. Here's my code:
twoway (scatter wage educ if female==0, mcolor(green) msymbol(oh)) (lfit wage educ if female==0, lcolor(green) lwidth(thin)) (scatter wage educ if female==1, mcolor(orange) msymbol(oh)) (lfit wage educ if female==1, lcolor(orange) lwidth(thin)) legend(label(1 "Male Wage") label(2 "Predicted Wage for Males") label(3 "Female Wage") label(4 "Predicted Wage for Females"))
As mentioned, everything is running smoothly up until:
legend(label(1 "Male Wage") label(2 "Predicted Wage for Males") label(3 "Female Wage") label(4 "Predicted Wage for Females"))
However I do it I keep getting: ) required r(100);
What have I done wrong? As far as I'm concerned I've structured my parentheses properly.
Thank you for your help
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