So I have data set up as such (sample data that I just made up):
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long day str2 state float(incidence pct_pop avg_age number_inj)
1 "AK" 100 .6 55 43
2 "AK" 102 .6 55 45
3 "AK" 99 .6 55 46
4 "AK" 185 .6 55 23
5 "AK" 133 .6 55 34
1 "AL" 143 .3 52 56
2 "AL" 120 .3 52 43
3 "AL" 456 .3 52 34
4 "AL" 43 .3 52 12
I have state-wide data of (let's say) incidence of stroke per day (outcome) and the number of injuries occurring per day (independent variable). Then, I have covariates that only change between states (percent population living rural, state avg). How do I conduct a log-linear regression knowing that certain variables only change between states and not by day? Do I conduct a multilevel mixed-effect? How would the code look like?
Any help will be appreciated!
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