I am currently working on my master thesis and I would like some guidance, since the dataset includes some zero-trade flows, I figured that PPML would be the most applicable method. I want to estimate the effect of the Iranian migrant stock on trade flows using a gravity model. I have a panel spaning from 2010 to 2017 with 116 exporter countries and Iran as the importer. I wonder if it is possible with this set-up to use country-specific fixed effect, if so, is it most appropriate to use fixed-effects for both the exporters and the importer or just for the exporting countries?
One thing I tried was this:
egen exp_time = group(Exporter Year) tab exp_time, generate (EXPORTER_TIME_FE) egen imp_time = group(Importer Year) tab imp_time, generate (IMPORTER_TIME_FE) egen pair_id = group(Exporter Importer) tab pair_id, generate (PAIR_FE) ppml ExportstoIran PAIR_FE* lnGDP lndist lntotmig lnMS lnMStimeswithout lnpop BureaucracyQuality Democraticaccountability LawandOrder Corruption contig comlang_off
Also, I tried both PPML and PPMLHDFE (without country-specific fixed effect) and they generated very similar results. The codes I've used was:
ppml ExportstoIran lnGDP lndist lntotmig lnMS lnMStimeswithout lnpop BureaucracyQuality Democraticaccountability LawandOrder Corruption contig comlang_off
ppmlhdfe ExportstoIran lnGDP lndist lntotmig lnMS lnMStimeswithout lnpop BureaucracyQuality Democraticaccountability LawandOrder Corruption contig comlang_off
Also, if I want to estimate the effect of the Iranian migrant stock just for 2016 and 2017 speficially, my method was to generate an interaction term which was the migration stock times a year dummy (with 1 for 2016 and 2017). Is this a solid way to estimate the effect for these particular years?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Gabriel Bladh
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