Hi, it's the first time i write here, hope the question is not too emantary,
I'm trying to replicate a study from Gilkman and Semynov about ethnic segregation in Europe. They use data from the 2002 ESS and i'm using more recent data (2014) to see if something changed. In the original study they use an orderd logit having as dependent variable the perceived ethnic composition of the neighbourhood of residence (1-almost all residents are from minorities, 2- mixed, 3-Almost no residents are from minorities). I tried to use the same technique (first time i use it) in order to have comparable results, i used the ologit command but some problems came up.
-First, I tried to test for the Parallel Regression Assumption using the "brant" command, but it doesn't work with weights. I'm not sure if weights may alter the result of the test. Do you know other commands that could work with a weighted ordered model logit? Should I not worry about this?
-Second, when I use the "brant" command without weights, it tells me that the Parallel Regression Assumption has been violated. What alternative techniques would you advice?
Thankyou for your time and attention and thankyou in advance for your help!
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