As part of my PhD studies, I've ran a Multi-level Linear Mixed Model (LMM) for my statistical analysis, using the xtmixed command. I've used a random cross-over study design with n=18, 4 treatment groups, and 6 time-points. I'm interested in the time * treatment interaction effect.
Here is a sample of the code that I've ran below:
* Original model, treatment (i.trt) and time as categorical variable (i.time); listing 'c.covariate1##i.covariate2' as covariate fixed effects, one of which is a continuous variable (c.) and the other which is a categorical variable (i.)
xtmixed `x' i.trt##i.time c.covariate1##i.covariate2 || id: || _all: R.time, reml nolog
* Test of simple effects (within columns or rows), and interaction effects (treatment at each time)
contrast trt@time, effect
* as above, using Scheffe's method for multiple pairwise comparisons
contrast trt@time, effect mcompare(scheffe)
1.) My first query relates to the use of a correction method for multiple pairwise comparisons. I have used Scheffé's method, however, I find this to be very conservative. Using LMM's (xtmixed) command, how important is it to correct for multiple pairwise comparisons i.e. as one would typically do in ANOVA style tests? If/Assuming it is still important, is Scheffe's method suitable choice for my study design and choice of statistical analysis? Below are two images showing the p-values without no correction (top image) and using Scheffe's method (bottom) to correct for multiple pairwise comparisons. The Scheffe's p-values look extremely conservative to me.
2.) My second question is in relation to interpreting the effect of the covariates (c.sum7skinfolds##i.beliefcategory) on the model. The i.beliefcategory is a time-varying covariate that is either '1 = believer' or '2 = non-believer' depending on the treatment group they were in at the time. The other c.sum7skinfolds is a continuous non-varying continuous variable. See images of a sample output below. Happy if you can help me with interpreting these please.
Appreciate your time and expertise here. Any further questions, please ask. Thanks, Barry
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