I want to estimate a model like this:
xi: ivregress 2sls depvar (ib3.instrumented = ib3.instrument), small depname(depvar) first
However, I do not achieve to store it properly.
Mostly because I have 2 first stages: i1.instrument instruments i1.instrumented and i2.instrument instruments i2.instrumented. Data stems from an experiment and I want to estimate LATEs (so the assignment to treatment 1 instruments receiving treatment 1, being assigned to treatment 2 instruments actually receiving treatment2 and there is a control group, too --> 3 groups.
I have many different dependent variables and I hope to find a way to always get a table that shows 3 columns of results: first stage 1, first stage 2, as well as IV estimates.
Thank you in advance very much for your help!
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