I am a novice STATA user hence kindly bare with me if my question is basic. I executed the following commands:
mhodds tb hiv2 if missing==0, by(bmigrp) c(1,0) Maximum likelihood estimate of the odds ratio Comparing hiv2==1 vs. hiv2==0 by bmigrp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bmigrp | Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- <19 | 8.000000 16.53 0.0000 2.42589 26.38208 19-24 | 2.311694 5.60 0.0179 1.13161 4.72239 25+ | 3.213415 3.89 0.0486 0.94169 10.96542 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantel-Haenszel estimate controlling for bmigrp ---------------------------------------------------------------- Odds Ratio chi2(1) P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.256096 21.22 0.0000 1.912757 5.542868 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Test of homogeneity of ORs (approx): chi2(2) = 3.22 Pr>chi2 = 0.1996
. return list scalars: r(or) = 2.796406651543788 r(lb_or) = 1.71732962901426 r(ub_or) = 4.55351729142816 r(chi2) = 18.64835958570303 r(p) = .0000157182454007 r(df_hom) = 1 r(chi2_hom) = .068043938660382
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