I have generated a meta-analysis forrest plot using metaprop by subgroup (ie presented 2 subanalyses "1" and "2" one above the other and then the overall combined results for heterogeneity etc at the bottom. I used:

metaprop numerator denominator, by(FC) dp(1) cc(0.5) random cimethod(clopper-pearson exact) ilevel(95) label(namevar = Reference) power(2) sortby( Publication_Yr ) boxsca(40) rcols( numerator denominatory ) astext(70) title("xxxxxx", size(2)) texts(160) boxopt(color(gs15)) diamopt(lcolor(blue)) xlabel(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) xtitle("xx xxx xxx xxx", size(1))

I asked for the data from the variables numerator and denominator to be placed in columns to the right of the forest plot so the reader could see the raw data as well as the proportions.

I want to format my forrest plot further:

1) How do I get the automated calculation rows of Subtotal (I^2 = 92.7581%, p = 0.0000) 7.7244 (6.5674, 8.8814) and Overall (I^2 = 91.0338%, p = 0.0000) 6.8564 (5.8982, 7.8146);to be presented in BOLD formatting?

2) My FC variable has 2 categories 1 & 2. However these have value labels 1=food 2=other. Currently the graph heading above each sub-group plot states 1 and then the 1st sub-plot and 2 and then the 2nd subplot.
How do I get the value labels ie food and other to be presented instead? And how do I make them bold?

3) The data for numerator and denominator are presented in 2 columns to the right of the % weight column. But the data is presented left-justified. Howe to I get Stata to move the data to the centre of it's column

4) metaprop command generates the variable ES and upper and lower CIs. It generates the column in the forrest plot labelled "ES (95% CI)". I want to change this heading to "Percentage (95% CI)". I tried to change the Variable label but everytime metaprop runs it converts the label back to ES. How can I change the heading text to "Percentage (95% CI)" on the forrest plot display?

Thanks, sorry for the multiple questions.