having a real struggle figuring this one hope - really hope someone can help!
I am generating some simple weighted summary stats to export into excel. I need to include tertiles (p33, p66) in the analysis but sum, d doesn't include that breakdown.
Does anyone know of any alternative way of doing it? My current code is:
eststo: estpost sum _begin-_end [w=wtg_sch], d esttab . using "${fn}" , append unstack cells("count mean sd p10 p50 p90") nonumb noobs /// varwidth(0) label /// title("All Schools") varlabels(`e(labels)') /// prehead("$S_DATE" "Summary Statistics" "@title" "`=cond($impute_yes==1,"$imp_yes","$imp_no")'" "-") * in which my task is to include p33 and p66 in the cells
_pctile VAR , nq(3) ret li gen p33 = `r(r1)' gen p66 = `r(r2)'
Chris Burningham
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