----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte(id_19 mail_id person_n) str19 mailname19f str3 title19f str11 surname19f str9 forename19f byte elect19f 1 1 1 "Mrs Joanna Smith" "Mrs" "Smith" "Joanna" 1 2 1 2 "Mr John Smith" "Mrs" "Smith" "John" 1 3 1 3 "Fiona Smith" "" "Smith" "Fiona" 1 4 2 1 "Mr Jeff Wilson" "Mrs" "Wilson" "Jeff" 2 5 2 2 "Ms Rachel Wright" "Ms" "Wright" "Rachel" 2 6 3 1 "Mr Richard Brown" "Mrs" "Brown" "Richard" 3 7 3 2 "Mrs Elizabeth Jones" "Mrs" "Jones" "Elizabeth" 3 8 3 3 "Steve Jones Brown" "" "Jones Brown" "Steve" 3 9 3 4 "Alexander Brown" "" "Brown" "Alexander" 3 10 4 1 "Shane Patel" "" "Patel" "Shane" 4 end
My program is: use "Z:\2019 local government rolls\NamesPractice.dta"
fastreshape wide id_19 mailname19f title19f surname19f forename19f elect19f, i(mail_id)j(person_n)
fastreshape long id_19 mailname19f , i(mail_id)j(person_n)
drop if id_19==.
save "Z:\2019 local government rolls\NamesPractice Reshaped fast.dta"
The above, of course, is simplified made up data. To run the program with reshape simply drop "fast"
0 Response to fastreshape results
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