Hello Statalist,

I have panel data with repeated time values. The reason is that there are more than one observations for some years for some individuals. Variable spell counts for observations. The data is something like below

person_id spell year age wage cba
1364 1 2000 22 30 1
1364 2 2000 22 32 1
1364 3 2001 23 35 2
1365 1 2005 34 45 3
1365 2 2006 35 50 1
1365 3 2006 35 52 2

suppose entry year is when spell==1, and call it t0
I want to regress wage 3 years after entry on age and cba at the entry (spell == 1) and time dummy is at the current year (same as wage).
regression equation would be: wage_(t0+3) = b1age_t0 + b2 cba_t0 + year_dummy_(t0+3)
Could you plz help me how I can do that? thanks.