Hi statalister,

I have an issue with connecting coeficients results using coefplot (Stata journal vol 4 number 4). I would like to use coefplot to plot regressions results from different survey year. For instance for years 1,2,3 and 4, I run 4 regressions of the same outcome (outcome1) and connect them using the following code:

coefplot (outcome1_y1 ) || (outcome1_y2 ) || (outcome1_y3) || (outcome1_y4) , keep(indep_var)  vertical bycoefs   recast(connected)   bylabels(Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4)
This gives me a perfectly ok graphs.

Now I would like to plot another outcomes on the same graph. I estimate 4 new regressions with outcome2 and use the following command:

coefplot (outcome1_y1 \ outcome2_y1 ) || (outcome1_y2 \ outcome2_y2 ) || (outcome1_y3 \ outcome2_y3) || (outcome1_y4 \ outcome2_y4) , keep(indep_var) vertical bycoefs recast(connected) bylabels(Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4)

Works almost ok but now all the coefficients are connected (even withing years) which makes the graph totally messy. I would like the outcome1 to be connected across years and, separately, the outcome2 coeficients to be connected across years. Any idea how to solve this problem?
