
I am relatively new to Stata and I am trying to run a regression and my whitedummy variable (which consist of 1 for white ethnicity and 0 for rest of the ethnicities ) and my experience variable which is made by age minus edage1 (age completed full time education) but the data is always off when I put them together. I ran independent regressions with the rest of the variables and they seem to be fine looking at the t statistic but when I run these together the results do not come out right. My dependant variable is grsswk which is gross weekyly earning
I have attached the regressions as images. Below is my code

gen whitedummy = (ethnic==1)
replace whitedummy = . if ethnic ==9

gen log_whitedummy = log(whitedummy)
gen ln_whitedummy = ln(whitedummy)

gen age2=age^2

gen manage1 = manage
replace manage1 = . if manage ==-9
replace manage1= . if manage ==-8

gen edage1 = edage
replace edage1 = . if edage==-9
replace edage1 = . if edage==-8
replace edage1 = . if edage==96
replace edage1 = . if edage==97

gen mangerdummy = (manage1==1)
gen supervisordummy = (manage1==2)
gen notmanagersupervisordummy = (manage1==3)

replace grsswk = . if grsswk==-9
replace grsswk = . if grsswk==-8

gen nhqual = hiquald
replace nhqual = . if hiquald==-9
replace nhqual = . if hiquald==-8
replace nhqual = . if hiquald==7
replace nhqual = . if hiquald==6

gen degreedummy = (nhqual==1)
gen higheredudummy = (nhqual==2)
gen gcedummy = (nhqual==3)
gen gcsedummy = (nhqual==4)
gen otherqualdummy = (nhqual==5)

gen experience = age - edage1

gen ln_age = ln(age)
gen ln_grsswk = ln(grsswk)
gen ln_experience = ln(experince)

gen ethnic2 = ethnic
replace ethnic2 = . if ethnic==9