Hi everyone,

I am working (still in process on the matching model) on a project using teffects psmatch with a number of outcome and treatment variables. The number variables has prompted me to get creative with how I display my diagnostics. Following a teffects psmatch estimation and in checking for the balance of the match, I use the
tebalance summarize
command. One example result (sorry for the X var placement) is
PHP Code:
Treatment-effects estimation                   Number of obs      =      5,357
propensity-score matching     Matchesrequested =          1
Outcome model  
matching                                     min =          1
Treatment model
logit                                        max =          2
AI Robust
|      Coef.   StdErr.      z    P>|z|     [95ConfInterval]
ATE                   |
Treatment |
yes vs No)  |   .1712712   .0297238     5.76   0.000     .1130136    .2295289

tebalance summarize
refitting the model using the generate() option

  Covariate balance summary
                                                   Raw      Matched
Number of obs =        5,357       10,714
                          Treated obs   
=        3,915        5,357
                          Control obs   
=        1,442        5,357

Standardized differences          Variance ratio
|        Raw     Matched           Raw    Matched
X1  |   .0239846   -.0216856      1.003129   .9976267
x2|  -.0883955   -.0084951      1.072024   1.040323
|     .03316    .0037765      .9799571   .9515908
|   .0745632   -.0019823      1.018004   1.045509
X5  |   .2021603    .0005313      .6816709   .9989242
x6          |  -.1715681   -.0101372      1.098919   .9468103
|   .0766124    .0212042      .9688859   .9993285
|   .0059114    .0452078        1.0091   .9892231
|   .0704363    .0558643       1.03551   .9940278
|   .1198441    .0224827      .9024419   .8567823
x11     |  -.1158196    .0448593      .7736173    1.11359
|   .1435748    .0308307      1.398567   1.069149
|   .0225676   -.0165485      1.057586   .9601829
|  -.1680311    .0230644      .6564869   1.063654
|  -.1101453      -.0098      .7807659   .9771978
|   .0683352   -.0480281        1.1599   .9064829
|   .1115147   -.0112496      1.277536   .9771073
What I would like to do is use the coefplot command to take the standardized differences (raw and match) and variance ratios (raw and matched) and plot them with an xline(0) line for standardized differences and an xline(1) for the variance ratios. Then, for each tebalance summarize table, combine into a single, two pane graphic. I have been playing with coefplot command, but cannot get it to work. Any advice on doing so would be greatly appreciated.

