Hello all!

Beginner stats student here. I was hoping to gain some insight from the board in how to approach my dataset. I would like to assess the correlation (or lack thereof) between dose of opioid administered and respective pain score (Score 1-10) for multiple entries.

id time tr y
1 1 3.5 4
1 2 7.0 2
1 3 4.0 5
2 1 3.0 6
2 2 6.0 2
2 3 4.0 4
3 1 2.0 8
3 2 3.0 6
3 3 6.0 1

I figured a repeated measure anova would be appropriate to assess between-subject and within-subject effects however, my inter-patient effect for tr (mg dose) is not uniform. Am I overthinking this or is there another approach?
