I have been trying to use ‘numlist’ in a foreach loop as I have a list of about 100 variables, all repeated 8 times (as if in a longitudinal study) and the only difference in each variable name is the numbers 1 to 8.

Example variables:
v1_msg v2_msg v3_msg v4_msg v5_msg v6_msg v7_msg v8_msg
v1_age v2_age v3_age v4_age v5_age v6_age v7_age v8_age

And I’m using the code:

foreach num in numlist 1 2:8 {
tab v`num'_msg, m
tab v`num'_age, m

I got the error r(111) "variable vnumlist_msg not found"

I then added a display command first to see if my loop was even working:
foreach num in numlist 1 2:8 {
di `num'
tab v`num'_msg, m
tab v`num'_age, m

And I got the error r(111) "numlist not found"

My question is, is this possible with this command? And if not - how can I achieve this outcome without repeatedly typing each variable name 8 times. I also want to do more then just tabulate each variable in foreach.

I have also tried using variable wild cards such as:
tab v*_msg
tab v#_msg
These also gives me the errors: r(103) "too many variables specified" and then r(111) "v ambiguous abbreviation" (respectively).

Thank you for your help!