Hello all!

I have a panel data with 8 waves and 740 000 observations of the id variable. I also created 7 dummy variables of types of contact that take the value of 1 when either political party of those I have in my data contacted an individual with a specific type of contact(sms, in person etc.).

What I want to do is create a bar chart that will sum up the individuals that were contacted by each type of contact and get an absolute value or percentage on the y-axis. However, I don't know how not to count multiple times the same individual as an individual could have been contacted through sms for example in all 8 waves or just in 1. I don't want to count the contact of the same individual 8 times but just once.

What I did up to now is:

 *creating variables of the type of contacts in order to see through a bar chart how the parties used them
gen telephone=1 if partyContactSNP_1W==1 | partyContactPC_1W==1 | partyContactLD_1W==1 | partyContactLab_1W==1 | partyContactTIG_1W==1 | partyContactGreen_1W==1 | partyContactBrexit_1W==1 | partyContactUKIP_1W==1 | partyContactCon_1W==1 | partyContactOther_1W==1

gen letter=1 if partyContactSNP_2W==1 | partyContactPC_2W==1 | partyContactLD_2W==1 | partyContactLab_2W==1 | partyContactTIG_2W==1 | partyContactGreen_2W==1 | partyContactBrexit_2W==1 | partyContactUKIP_2W==1 | partyContactCon_2W==1 | partyContactOther_2W==1

gen atHome=1 if partyContactSNP_3W==1 | partyContactPC_3W==1 | partyContactLD_3W==1 | partyContactLab_3W==1 | partyContactTIG_3W==1 | partyContactGreen_3W==1 | partyContactBrexit_3W==1 | partyContactUKIP_3W==1 | partyContactCon_3W==1 | partyContactOther_3W==1

gen inStreet=1 if partyContactSNP_4W==1 | partyContactPC_4W==1 | partyContactLD_4W==1 | partyContactLab_4W==1 | partyContactTIG_4W==1 | partyContactGreen_4W==1 | partyContactBrexit_4W==1 | partyContactUKIP_4W==1 | partyContactCon_4W==1 | partyContactOther_4W==1

gen email=1 if partyContactSNP_5W==1 | partyContactPC_5W==1 | partyContactLD_5W==1 | partyContactLab_5W==1 | partyContactTIG_5W==1 | partyContactGreen_5W==1 | partyContactBrexit_5W==1 | partyContactUKIP_5W==1 | partyContactCon_5W==1 | partyContactOther_5W==1

gen sms=1 if partyContactSNP_6W==1 | partyContactPC_6W==1 | partyContactLD_6W==1 | partyContactLab_6W==1 | partyContactTIG_6W==1 | partyContactGreen_6W==1 | partyContactBrexit_6W==1 | partyContactUKIP_6W==1 | partyContactCon_6W==1 | partyContactOther_6W==1

gen other=1 if partyContactSNP_7W==1 | partyContactPC_7W==1 | partyContactLD_7W==1 | partyContactLab_7W==1 | partyContactTIG_7W==1 | partyContactGreen_7W==1 | partyContactBrexit_7W==1 | partyContactUKIP_7W==1 | partyContactCon_7W==1 | partyContactOther_7W==1

*replacing the missing values with 0
replace telephone=0 if telephone==.

replace letter=0 if letter==.

replace atHome=0 if atHome==.

replace inStreet=0 if inStreet==.

replace email=0 if email==.

replace sms=0 if sms==.

replace other=0 if other==.

egen telephone_bar=max(telephone) if telephone==1

egen letter_bar=max(letter) if letter==1

egen atHome_bar=max(atHome) if atHome==1

egen inStreet_bar=max(inStreet) if inStreet==1

egen email_bar=max(email) if email==1

egen sms_bar=max(sms)if sms==1

egen other_bar=max(other) if other==1
I was told to follow the last step presented in order to get every individual contacted equal to 1 in all the waves (0 if not at all) and then drop druplicates, leaving me with the correct number of observations of the individuals that were contacted through either type of contact. What can I do to get the data to a level that I will be able to run the graph?

Thanks in advance!