Hello everyone

I am currently working with PISA data from 2018 and face a problem combining the “repest” command used to analyse PISA data correctly, taking account of the complex survey design, with multilevel regression analysis.

My dependent variable is reading test scores which is imputed as 10 plausible values. As the PISA data is clustered, I find it necessary to include these levels in the analysis. However, when I add these levels in the command, I get the following error message:

REML not supported with weights

The command I use is:
repest PISA, estimate(stata: mixed PV@READ ESCS || schoolid: , cov(unstructured))

Does anyone know whether repest is compatible with multilevel models or do you have ideas for an alternative procedure for analysing plausible values as the DV in multilevel models?

Thank you in advance,

best regards,