Hello Stata users,

I am trying to use the global macro to switch between subfolders. For instance, when I draw an excel file, I use my Excel Files folder, and when I use Dta files I use my Dta Files folder. Here is how I have defined my work flow:

global userdir  "C:\Users\Ahmad Shah\Box Sync\Projects"
global mohedir      "$userdir\MOHEData_cleaning"
global excel_files "$mohedir\Excel Files"
global stata_files    "$mohedir\Stata Files"
global revalidated_files "mohedir\Revalidated"
global do_files "$stata_files\Do Files"
global log_files "$stata_files\Log Files"
global gph_files "$stata_files\Graphs"
global dta_files "$stata_files\Dta Files"
global validated "$excel_files\Validated\1388"
adopath + "$mohedir/Stata/ado"
But when I try to change directory to:
cd "$excel_files"
I get an error:

PHP Code:
unable to change to C:\Users\Ahmad Shah\Box Sync\Projects\MOHEData_cleaning\Excel Files 
When I try to import file using:

import excel "$excel_files\Results_1388.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow case(lower) allstring clear
I get the same error:

PHP Code:
file C:/Users/Ahmad Shah/Box Sync/Projects/MOHEData_cleaning/Excel Files/Results_1388.xlsx not found

Is there anything I am missing or something. I would be pleased if somebody could share their tips for managing workflow using macro. I appreciate if someone could help me with this specific problem. Thanks!