
I am trying to make a model for estimating the demand for city-bikes. For this, I have created a spatial panel regression (using spxtregress). I run the estimation on a subsample (one month of data) for all my models, everything works fine that way. But when I want to do a prediction the following month it seems impossible to do so.

I noticed that the documentation mentions "These statistics are only available in a subset of the estimation sample.", which indeed seems to be true as using
predict departures if e(sample)
does the trick, but then the following month is just missing data.

Is there any way to work around this and actually do the prediction for data outside the estimation sample?

spxtregress ln_dep at rain metro restaurants bikepaths capacity weekend students work men if time_id < 836 + (24 * 28), re dvarlag(W)
estat ic
outreg2 using departures.doc, replace
estat impact
predict p_dep_3
Kind regards,