Hello all,

There have been similar posts about this interpretation but I can't find any with the same variation of this as I have (but do point me to another topic if I've made a mistake about this).

I am running a fixed-effects linear regression using panel data, which has 9 time periods (9 years). The dependent variable of interest is subjective wellbeing (subwb) and the independent variable of interest is whether the individual lives in an ethnic enclave (blackee_2x). I am confused about how to interpret the coefficient for blackee_2x, considering the temporal aspect of the data. blackee_2x is a binary/dummy variable where 0 is not living in an ethnic enclave and 1 is living in an ethnic enclave.

Ignoring the insignficance of the coefficient and the low F statistic, does the coefficient for blackee_2x = 0.941 (3dp) mean that a change from living outside an ethnic enclave into an ethnic enclave is associated with a 0.941 increase in subjective wellbeing by the end of the panel data set, irrespective of when (within the 9 years) the change occurred?
Or is this interpretation incorrect?Array

Any help would be much appreciated.
