I am sure this problem has been discussed before, but I just cannot find the solution to my problem. I have a dataset of about 580 patients. Each patient can have many comorbidities attributed to them. Currently I have one variable "Comorbiditydescription" that lists all the co-morbidities for patients. It means that 1 patient is listed multiple times in the dataset as different observations, if they have more than one comorbidity. As below:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str8 PatientUR str37 Comorbiditydescription
"1026977" "Diabetes mellitus"
"1026977" "Hypertension requiring medication"
"1026977" "Other "
"1026977" "Smoker, current"

"1034403" "Smoker, current"
"1034403" "Substance abuse"
"1064004" "Bleeding disorder"
"1064004" "Hypertension requiring medication"

"1080093" ""
"1086290" "Hypertension requiring medication"
"1086290" "Other "
"1086290" "Respiratory Disease (COAD, emphysema)"

"1089652" "Cancer, Disseminated"
"1091738" "Other "
"1091738" "Substance abuse"

"1101771" "Substance abuse"

What I would like to do is to have 1 observation per patient ID, i.e. 580 patients, and multiple variables for co-morbidities, such that if a patient had 3 different co-morbidities there would be a variable comorbidity_1, comorbidity_2, comorbidity_3 for that 1 patient. If a patient only had 1 or 2 co-morbidities, then variables co-morbidities_3 onwards would have a 0. I think this will help to tabulate the different co-morbidities easily and make analysis simpler for the other variables I have.

Is there a code I can write that would be able to take a single variable and split its result across multiple variables against my 580 individual patients? Hope to hear from someone soon, thank you!