I am working with the userwritten command -esttab-, and have been referring to the following examples:
I am trying to flip some models so I am using the Approach 2 under the heading: "Flip models and coefficients (place models in rows instead of in columns)".
As I am going to use the subroutine frequently I have tried to convert the subroutine into an ado file as follows:
capt prog drop flipmodel *! version 1.0.0 Ben Jann program flipmodel, eclass // using active equation of model args est version 14.1 tempname b se C tmp esttab `est', se nostar mat list r(coefs) matrix `C' = r(coefs) local rnames : rownames `C' local models : coleq `C' local models : list uniq models local i 0 foreach name of local rnames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b capture matrix drop se foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix `tmp' = `C'[`i', 2*`j'-1] if `tmp'[1,1]<. { matrix colnames `tmp' = `model' matrix `b' = nullmat(`b'), `tmp' matrix `tmp'[1,1] = `C'[`i', 2*`j'] matrix `se' = nullmat(`se'), `tmp' } } ereturn post `b' quietly estadd matrix `se' eststo `name' } end
sysuse auto eststo model1: quietly reg price weight eststo model2: quietly reg price weight mpg flipmodel model* esttab weight mpg _cons, se mtitle noobs
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