Hi, I have 4 groups of individuals and I want to analyze if there are differences for a long list of continuous variables. Having applied Kruskal-Wallis, I now want between which groups there were differences with Mann-Whitney for 2 independent samples. The only thing that interests me is to draw a table with the p values: p-value between group 1 and 2 p value between group 1 and 3 p value between group 1 and 4 p value between group 2 and 3 p value between group 2 and 4 p value between group 3 and 4 variable1 variable2 variable3 variable4 ... I would like the rows have continuous variables, and the columns have all 6 possible comparisons between each pair of groups. I used the command in foreach. But it is very heavy to copy every p-value. foreach var of varlist variable1 variable2 variable3 variable4 { ranksum `var' if Group==1 | Group==2, by(group) ranksum `var' if GrupoHP==1 | GrupoHP==3, by(group) ranksum `var' if GrupoHP==1 | GrupoHP==4, by(group) ranksum `var' if GrupoHP==2 | GrupoHP==3, by(group) ranksum `var' if GrupoHP==2 | GrupoHP==4, by(group) ranksum `var' if GrupoHP==3 | GrupoHP==4, by(group) }
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