first of all thank you for all previous answers you have provided - I would hav finished no project so far without your help.
I am currently facing a problem about counting observations, but could not find an answer in the forum so far. Possibly you could help?
My problem is the following.
I have a data set with investments of firms into companies over years. I am seeking to count the number of previous and current investments a firm has made (the variable thus changes over time). For example (see data below): I want for fund "a" a variable that counts the number of investment made in THIS AND IN PREVIOUS years. For example in 2001 it made two investments, in 2002 another two investments (combined with +2 from the previous years) etc.
I was thinking about doing this with a loop, but am unsure about it?
Help is very much appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Sample data:
Company Firm Year Variable I want
qw | a | 2001 | 2 |
ef | a | 2001 | 2 |
sg | a | 2002 | 4 |
rh | a | 2002 | 4 |
yf | a | 2008 | 5 |
ff | a | 2012 | 7 |
kr | b | 2012 | 7 |
fg | b | 2001 | 1 |
fj | b | 2002 | 2 |
ki | b | 2007 | 3 |
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