
I have the following problem. I am trying to see when two country codes match in my dataset, the problem is that one code is composed of two letters (e.g. GB for Great Britain) and the other one is composed of 3 letters (GBR).

I have tried in two ways but both do not seem to work.

First of all I used the reclink function after splitting the dataset in two parts, but I get no results:

reclink subsidiary_country using "/Users/Davide/Desktop/Tesi/Stata Results/Officer_Nodiv_C.dta", id
> master(idOfficer) idusing(idCountry) gen(matchscore) minscore(.66)

0 perfect matches found

Added: idCountry= identifier from /Users/Davide/Desktop/Tesi/Stata Results/Officer_Nodiv_C.dta matc
> hscore = matching score
Observations: Master N = 900 /Users/Davide/Desktop/Tesi/Stata Results/Officer_Nodiv_C.dta N= 900
Unique Master Cases: matched = 0 (exact = 0), unmatched = 900

I then proceeded to try to use the strgroup function, but it did not work on my machine (Mac).

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this.