I am currently trying to replicate some of the results of the Charles and Guryan 2008 paper 'Prejudice and wages'. One of the variables they construct is called racpeers and in the appendix it says it is 'an aggregation of three questions about whether you would object to sending your kids to a school that had few/half/most black students.'
It is constructed from the following three yes/no variables (answers to whether you object sending your kids to a school with _ students of another race' ALL BYTE VARIABLES
1) racfew
- object?
All three are byte variables with 1 assigned to yes and 2 to no. In the paper, they assign the lowest number to least racist views and the highest to most racist (starting from 1 and increasing)
From what I understand, the views from least racist to most racist should be:
1- dont object to racmost
2- don't object to rachalf
3-don't object to racfew
4-object to racmost
5- object to rachaf
6- object to racfew
How would you make this one variable out of the three as I mention above? The data is taken from multiple waves of GSS so not everyone in the dataset answers these questions.
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