I would like to download data via API. I am using the website Alpha Vantage. I have gotten my API key and I also have a sample of the JSON output that I enclose at the end of the message in case this is useful. I have the tried to use insheetjson (from SSC) using the help file but I could not get it to work. Could you please help me? Thanks
Here is a sample of the structure of the data:
timestamp | open | high | low | close | adjusted close | volume | dividend amount |
3/20/2020 | 165.31 | 175 | 135 | 137.35 | 137.35 | 1.11E+09 | 0 |
2/28/2020 | 170.43 | 190.7 | 152 | 162.01 | 162.01 | 8.88E+08 | 0.51 |
1/31/2020 | 158.78 | 174.05 | 156.51 | 170.23 | 169.7677 | 5.56E+08 | 0 |
12/31/2019 | 151.81 | 159.55 | 146.65 | 157.7 | 157.2717 | 4.53E+08 | 0 |
11/29/2019 | 144.26 | 152.5 | 142.965 | 151.38 | 150.9689 | 3.93E+08 | 0.51 |
10/31/2019 | 139.66 | 145.67 | 133.22 | 143.37 | 142.4949 | 5.61E+08 | 0 |
9/30/2019 | 136.61 | 142.37 | 134.51 | 139.03 | 138.1814 | 4.78E+08 | 0 |
8/30/2019 | 137 | 140.9383 | 130.78 | 137.86 | 137.0186 | 5.86E+08 | 0.46 |
7/31/2019 | 136.63 | 141.675 | 134.67 | 136.27 | 134.9748 | 4.85E+08 | 0 |
Sample of the JSON output:
"Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Monthly Adjusted Prices and Volumes", "2. Symbol": "MSFT", "3. Last Refreshed": "2020-03-20", "4. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Monthly Adjusted Time Series": { "2020-03-20": { "1. open": "165.3100", "2. high": "175.0000", "3. low": "135.0000", "4. close": "137.3500", "5. adjusted close": "137.3500", "6. volume": "1112254000", "7. dividend amount": "0.0000" },
0 Response to API from Alpha Vantage. How to download and organize data in Stata?
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